Sunday 27 May 2007

The Seven Ages of Rock - Art Rock

Its that time of the week again!

Obviously much more interesting for me than last week with the subject matter being focused on my favourite band. It was a lot better constructed and paced than the previous 'birth of rock' episode, with equal airtime for most of the bands involved, not a view of the 'age' through one artist/groups eyes as the Jimi Hendrix episode was, which was kind of a shame for a Floyd nut for me but it did what it said on the tin.

I didn't learn anything new but once again there was some nice footage must of it as a expected taken in Floyd's case from the excellent 'Live at Pompeii'. Some nice footage of The Wall live stage shows, there's one concert I would have loved to have seen, musically not my favourite Floyd album but its a great one and the pure scale and spectacle of the show and the construction (and destruction) of the wall must have been breathtaking.

It didn't do much to convince me that the The Velvet Underground are worth getting into, don't see the fuss about the album with the Banana on it. But it did make me want to investigate David Bowie and Roxy Music, not sure where to start though.

As you would expect, its 'Punk' next week. Can't say there's anything in the episode that interests me, Punk's never really appealed to me. So don't expect an analysis of the program in my journal this time next week.

Linkage to the BBC site

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